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Location: Carretera 5559, Bo. San Idelfonso, Coamo, PR 00769 Lot 1: 344-069-559-14-000 Carretera 5559 (desvioNorte de Coamo) Coordenadas: 18.072166 ; ..
Location: 1614 San Mateo Street, San Juan, Puerto Rico Description: The Casona Pavia historic house was constructed between 1904 and 1906 ..
Location : Villa del Mar St. #12, Bo. Playa, Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico Coordinates: Latitude 48.8429177, -44.0788838 Description: Concrete house two ..
Address: SR 7710 km 50.4, Pozuelo Community, Jobos Ward, Guayama, Puerto Rico Total Land Area: 2.58 cuerdas or 10,153 sm (7 ..
Description: Condominium Reina de Castilla is across from Pier # 4 (four) and 3 minutes from Pier 3. The Pier 4 ..
Address: 2 Vendig St. , Condado Sector, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907 beach front view in Condado the best beach ..