For Sale: Cardiologist Medical Office unit with medical practice operation of over 44 years with more than 7,000 patients in San Juan area, next to a prestige private Hospital in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ideal for young start up doctor or an experienced doctor that wants to relocate to San Juan area or from US to Puerto Rico.
Property is equipped with the latest technology in Cardiology.
The Cardioligist that is selling is leasing back the buyer an office unit for three labor days weekly.
Space: 1,354.74 sf (125.86 sm)
Real Estate Sale Price: $474,159 or best offer
Must be sold with medical equipment and practice.
Medical Equipments are offered with the operation: Holter Zymed, Eco Siemens Acuson SC 2,000 Stress GE, Assertus invoicing, Neo E, Neo M Medical Record, Digisonics Workstation Eco, Stress and Vasculars and other office equipments.
Description: Four (4) medical evaluation cabins, record rooms, communication room, receptionist area and reception waiting area for fifteen people, bathroom and two (2) offices. Adjacent parking building for patience and office employees.
Call now and ask for more details at 787-448-6300